About Me

I am a Matrimonial and Family Court attorney who has maintained a private practice in upstate New York for over 20 years. I have had the privilege of representing numerous clients, including children, in a variety of delicate matters and have seen firsthand how devastating the adversarial process can be to families. Throughout the years, I have always taken special care to shield my clients (and their children) from the emotional turmoil of divorce and family court litigation without compromising their rights or their self-respect. It is my desire to provide my clients with options that allow them to maintain control over their lives and protect them from the stress and costs often associated with traditional litigation.
Although I am a litigation attorney and appear in court daily, I am also trained in Collaborative Law and Mediation. The collaborative approach allows me to represent my clients in a dignified and non-threatening environment and to encourage their input and participation in creating long term solutions that are best for their families. Even in my litigated cases, I always make every effort to resolve matters as expeditiously and cooperatively as possible. When that is not possible, I fight hard to protect my clients’ rights and interests. I never forget that no matter how many cases I have been involved in, my clients are often going through this for the first time. As a result, I always take the time to have regular and open communication with my clients and make sure to answer their questions or concerns so that they are informed and supported throughout the entire process.